The Birthday Post

So, some said that a 2-year-old wears his heart on his sleeve — and in his voice, his fists, his stamping feet, and his crocodile tears (as always).
Not very forward-looking and encouraging isn’t it?
How about some teensy weensy consolation?
Well, maybe.
According to the babycentre, a 2-year-old also gives the biggest hugs, flashes the biggest smiles, and yes, throws the loudest, most spectacular tantrums.
It’s true. I got the biggest hug and the wettest kiss from Ziv and it comes packed with the complimentary — vociferous tantrums.
It is never easy being a Mum and Dad. It is a hundred times knotty for the newbie of Earth to adapt to our lifestyles, and to this world. Our responsibilities as parents are to be patient and orientate our precious newbie to enjoy his toddler-hood before he enters the common tests, examinations stressful phase of his life 5 years later. And for us, to enjoy his presence before he reaches his teenage phase 10 years down the road.
So, as I was saying about his birthday party a few posts ago, it happened at the Downtown East chalet with some 30 guests to share the joy.
His friend (the rest took no pictures) His piñata (By Mummy)
His mother
His (oversized) birthday suite no. 2
Didn’t took any pictures for BBQ, most of the time hunger override any other things.
My regret? No family picture for the day.
On Ziv’s actual birth date, we brought him to T3 for a simple dinner and had his very much loved ice-cream.
His ice-cream His self selected birthday gift (yet another birthday gift on the spot)
The rest of the gifts from the well-wishers (Thanks!)
There was one particular gift. He saw it and ignored the Thomas the Train which he once held so tightly at T3.
Ziv's idea to take this picture.
To Ziv
A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun, what matters most is that you enjoy the trip which Mummy and you endeavour in the later part of your life.
There will be mundane PSLE, O LEVEL and whatnot, teenage-rebellious, and ‘hard time to choose between Mummy or girlfriend/wife’ on the road trip, be assured that Mummy will be walking with you unwearyingly and always prepare to catch you when you fall. Daddy will be your ATM, just look for him if you need some quick cash.
Love you!Mummy
his friend look very goofy.
Happy Birthday Ziv! Stay cheerful always gentle-boy!
Happy Birthday Ziv.
Like the pic with pacifier :p
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