Its Feeding Time!!!
130am... 430am... 730am... 1030am...
The timings are not the 3-hour interval for a game of 4-winds mahjong, it is actually Ziv's feeding time. Its 515am now and here I am blogging on my ipaq, at the same time fulfilling one of the many mother duties, that is, to feed my baby. I'm waiting for him to drop me 'hints' to feed him, since I hope to train him to sleep throughout the night. (I know I may be too ambitious...)
Being a mother can really change a lazy, irresponsible, hate-to-clear-shit-cum-crying-babies me into an almost perfect mother. I have accomplished everything from washing soiled nappies to taking care of the household chores. All of a sudden, I don't remember the old 'me'. Sometimes I wondered, "What happened to me?" In the past, nothing can make me stay up this late, except mahjong, now, its Ziv (aka, the youngest terrorist at home).
One slight 'utt' or an 'ahhh' is enough to drag me out of my dreamland, and I thought, I am never a light-sleeper. Blame it on mother instinct.
This week, I'm on graveyard shift. I secretly think and have this unexplainable feeling that this shift assignment between me and Kevin is permanent. Unlike Kevin, he is more fortunate since he has concrete evidence oppss... sorry I mean EXCUSE to claim that he is 'working extremely hard for the family' which I think it is ahemmm.... *cough* bbbbulllllssssshitttt *cough* to avoid the torment. Right now, I have a sudden urge to go back to work, even though working as a get-me-to-nowhere ADMIN.
Sometimes I feel weird sleeping between 2 people who look almost alike (except the length), both sound asleep. I felt that I was bullied by both.
- Ziv likes to make noise when he is actually sleeping, which makes me jump out of bed several times to see him sound asleep after making some noises.
- Kevin (aka, ACT BLUR) chooses to automatically filter out all cries (Ziv's) and SOS pleading (mine) and continue to get enough sleep for 'money and work'.
Lowering myself to check on Ziv, I saw him flashing an innocent smile while sound asleep, which I think could be the smile of content cause he is fortunate to have such a caring mother (don't vomit ok...). This makes me think twice about going back to work. I don't think I can achieve such job satisfaction from a no prospect ADMIN role, but I know for certain, being a mother (with super dark circles under both eyes) can gives me such satisfaction.
Oh btw, here is Ziv's full month chocolate or (whatever cake).
Its cute but ex.

The timings are not the 3-hour interval for a game of 4-winds mahjong, it is actually Ziv's feeding time. Its 515am now and here I am blogging on my ipaq, at the same time fulfilling one of the many mother duties, that is, to feed my baby. I'm waiting for him to drop me 'hints' to feed him, since I hope to train him to sleep throughout the night. (I know I may be too ambitious...)
Being a mother can really change a lazy, irresponsible, hate-to-clear-shit-cum-crying-babies me into an almost perfect mother. I have accomplished everything from washing soiled nappies to taking care of the household chores. All of a sudden, I don't remember the old 'me'. Sometimes I wondered, "What happened to me?" In the past, nothing can make me stay up this late, except mahjong, now, its Ziv (aka, the youngest terrorist at home).
One slight 'utt' or an 'ahhh' is enough to drag me out of my dreamland, and I thought, I am never a light-sleeper. Blame it on mother instinct.
This week, I'm on graveyard shift. I secretly think and have this unexplainable feeling that this shift assignment between me and Kevin is permanent. Unlike Kevin, he is more fortunate since he has concrete evidence oppss... sorry I mean EXCUSE to claim that he is 'working extremely hard for the family' which I think it is ahemmm.... *cough* bbbbulllllssssshitttt *cough* to avoid the torment. Right now, I have a sudden urge to go back to work, even though working as a get-me-to-nowhere ADMIN.
Sometimes I feel weird sleeping between 2 people who look almost alike (except the length), both sound asleep. I felt that I was bullied by both.
- Ziv likes to make noise when he is actually sleeping, which makes me jump out of bed several times to see him sound asleep after making some noises.
- Kevin (aka, ACT BLUR) chooses to automatically filter out all cries (Ziv's) and SOS pleading (mine) and continue to get enough sleep for 'money and work'.
Lowering myself to check on Ziv, I saw him flashing an innocent smile while sound asleep, which I think could be the smile of content cause he is fortunate to have such a caring mother (don't vomit ok...). This makes me think twice about going back to work. I don't think I can achieve such job satisfaction from a no prospect ADMIN role, but I know for certain, being a mother (with super dark circles under both eyes) can gives me such satisfaction.
Oh btw, here is Ziv's full month chocolate or (whatever cake).
Its cute but ex.

That's the number of times we have to wake up??!?!!! *GASP* *HORROR* *WHINES*
My mother instincts better start kicking in soon...
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