Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Yr 2009 Resolution

My 2008 Resolution Review
1. Shop less, Spend less. – This resolution is expected to fail from the day I declare this.
2. Stop taking cab. – Yes, for the first part of 2008, Kevin drove me to and fro work, and at the second part of this year, I got myself a CAR!
3. Get the Chloe padlock bag. – Kevin bought it for me as my birthday present. And I got the coveted Chanel from Macau trip.
4. Earn more money. – Yes!!! After 3 job hop in a year, I finally get what I want!
5. Pole dancing class. – Failed!!
6. Spend more time with Coby. – Failed!!
7. More couple time. – We certainly do. Talking about common hobby, yes, still shopping, but it has gone up to another level, which is car accessories shopping.
8. Holiday – Bintan with Ziv and Macau with Kevin.

Alrighty, my New Year resolution for year 2009 is perpetually late, but hey, that is better than never, right?

Generally, I have been doing pretty well in year 2008, fulfilling almost 70% of the 2008 resolution. 2008 is a significant year for me, a turning point, may I add, after 3 job hop, I finally landed on a job which I truly enjoy (but not, sometimes) and most essentially, pay me well.

Well, many may maintained that resolutions may sound the same and seeing them as part of the holiday nostalgia, but in this New Year of Recession, the reasons driving them are different. And hopefully, I can abstain from all the enticement and don’t fall off the wagon by the very next day.

Here’s my resolution for 2009.
Came late, but better than never.

1. Have a Baby No. 2
2. Get 2 Chanel bags. (1 down, see latest blog entry)
3. Earn more money.
4. Discipline Ziv, cultivate independence in him.
5. Weight shall not exceed 43kg if not pregnant.
6. Spend more time with Kevin and Coby.

This year I have pull out the “Shop less” resolution mainly because I hope to be realistic, if it is something which I don’t think I can achieve perhaps it will be better to remove it and continue with “Earn more money”. However, I know that with plan to add on to our herd, it is always better to save more, spend less.

With the years goes by, and now, being a mother, I started to learn to appreciating the little things is about maybe not having big fancy things around.

Happy New Year to all.

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