Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ip Man

You know, I'll reflect each time after watching a movie.

Shutter Island: How sad it is to have mental problem. The movie sheds light on the lives of patients who have mental problems and provides insights on the pain of not knowing who you are.

And this week, I caught Ip Man 1 & 2.

I was never touched by action flick. And I thought I never will. Thanks to Jackie Chan, I only turn to action flick when I have nothing to watch. And so, I didn't even realized that Ip Man 1 was kept in one of the many unopen boxes until I needed to find a Hi-5 dvd for Ziv.

Ip Man 1, people who practice martial arts or as a matter of fact, chinese kungfu are often stereotyped as boorish, boisterous and often they belong to the raucous group of people. On the contrary, assuming that the film is based on the real character of Ip Man, he was refine and cultured. He was reasonable and he loved his wife. I remembered his quote vividly, "世上没有怕老婆的男人,只有尊敬老婆的男人." And for this show, it reminds me how much I hated Japanese for their cruel ambition to conquer the world. It reminded me that we can forgive the Japanese for what they have done but never, never to forget what they have done to us. Something that will always remain as a fact no matter how many Takuya Kimura they may have to mesmerize us females. And I strongly believe the fact that good things will happen to people who do good deeds.

Ip Man 2, I hated the arrogant and pompous Ang Mos. And I knew such thing do happen even to-date but in a less audacious manner as compared to the past. But I was enlighten by what Ip Man said, "今天的胜负,我不是想证明我们中国的武术,比西洋拳更加优胜。我只是想说,人的地位,虽然有高低之分,但是人格不该有贵贱之别。我很希望,从这一刻开始,我们大家可以学会懂得怎样去互相尊重." Again, Ip Man's nobility touched me once again.

Another thing worth mentioning is Ip Man's wife. It makes me realized the importance of suporting your spouse in whatever he wants to do. Don't say No because you never know what will come your way when you say Yes to your spouse. I am glad that I did not try to change Kevin or tell him not to do something he likes, changing a person will never make him/her happy and this person will never be the person whom you used to love. Love is not to change a person but to love him/her for who he/she is.

It's kind of interesting and amazing at the same time that how a movie can alter our views and make me a better person.

Look forward to more of such movies, and Ip Man 3, if any.

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