Friday, June 10, 2011

His Birthday

To think of a present for Mr Stolid is almost like putting me through a wringer. Why do I say that?

How about having spent 13 birthdays with Mr S, that translated to 13 birthday presents, excluding the other presents given during special occasions. What else can I buy or what else did I not buy througout the years?

I tried scouting around for the perfect present via the greatest world wide web, and the selections were not very impressive. I always know that my Mr S is a square peg, to impress him, it has to be a literally out-of-this-world present. However, later I learnt that Mr S was in fact still thinking about the Hermes wallet that we chanced upon during our Europe trip, and may I add, that piece of slim wallet cost more than some of my bags (individually).

Anyway, sometimes, it is not about the moolah especially it is his special day, the thing is, the wallet is not available in SG. I guess I have to solve one things after another, before the present, I need a cake. The zealous son is champing at the bit to get his daddy a strawberry birthday cake (obviously that is his own idea), for he knows that after the daddy’s birthday, it will be his turn.

So well, one item got striked out of the list, and back to the present, it looks like I have to get it under my own steam. The son did his job in picking a cake based on his preference, and that inspired me a little. Perhaps, I said perhaps, I should get a present that can be shared between Mr S and me. The clock is ticking, wish me luck.

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Blogger Emily said...

haha. then the bumblebee it is!

11:44 PM  
Blogger Cel said...

Gd idea, a transformer bumblebee!

4:49 PM  

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