Monday, May 9, 2011

The Long Hiatus

I have been extremely occupied these few weeks or rather this one month. Reason?

General Election 2011.

Isn't that what every Singaporeans should be concern about? As a Singapore citizen, I personally feel that this is the only time, once every five years, that we people, are empowered with the strength to determine who we want in the Parliament, and our voices are being heard, loud and concise. And I am clear of what I want, when I was a little kid. All thanks to my mum, I managed to understand the truth and done assiduous reading beyond the local media, Straits Time, The New Paper, Channel 8, Channel 5, and Channel News Asia.

I relied on, TOC, TR alot for news that the so-called mainstream media did not present to us.

Back to why I was really busy for the past one month.

I volunteered for Worker's Party. I helped to distribute flyers, door-to-door at Hougang, attended almost all the rallies for WP, some days, I was at SDP's rally. On polling day, I volunteered to be the polling agent for WP.

I wished I could have done more, as a Singaporean, by helping out during their walkabouts and whatnot, unfortunately time does not permit.

Every night, after the rallies, I will present the information which I obtained from the rallies and post them up on Facebook. And often, I would sleep at 2am in the morning. On some days, I will talk to friends, making sure they are not just reading for the usual media, and supplying them information which I gathered from the rallies and internet.

Sadly, during this process, I had arguement with some friends, and it was only during the election, that I realized that some of my friends, whom I thought to be good friends have different views from me. With all due respect, I agree, people always say, you have my views and I have mine. Yes, I don't have the right to influence anyone, however, a part of me could not convince myself to accept those who had different views from me, because I can't bring myself to befriend these people who are apathetic to politics and who don't even attend rallies or read unbaised reports from the other media.

To be a responsible voter, I feel that one should:
- attend rallies (of every party)
- read unbaised reports of different parties
- go out and talk to people

If not, it is no different from living in their own world.

Alas, not everyone is doing that. They are just contented being in their comfort zone. I would really like to see and hear from them on what they will think about the current Singapore, when these people progress to the next stage of their lives.

Many people often maintain that, "when something is not spoil, why change it?" I beg to differ, and would regard that this is an extremely selfish thinking. Do the people ever know how many fellow Singaporeans are suffering out there? Some people are blessed with 3 meals a day, and a roof over their heads, they know nothing about what is happening beyond the walls of their house.

I was a volunteer for AMK service center for a year, and I have seen many poor people in Singapore who try to make ends meet. Many of them were on food ration, and I have to gather friends to donate whenever the ration is low. In addition, many of the kids from these poor families are smart, yet they are denied of a proper education just because they are poor. And to make the matter worse, I learnt something from the internet regarding attracting foreign students to Singapore, made me even more despondent about how the way this country is being run.

It was during the last WP rally at Serangoon stadium that I felt like I am a true Singaporean while reciting the National Pledge. Strangely, I don't even feel that I am a Singaporean during National Day - I find it too commercial and fake.

Regarding George Yeo's exit, I would say, no one is indispensable, Singapore will contiune to progress with or without him, or any one else, as a matter of fact. I overheard a 70 year old aunty in one of the many rallies that I attended, she commented that, "不会为了一棵树而放弃整个森林" (won't give up the whole forest because of a single tree) regarding the exit of GY. I vehemently agree to it and amazed by her clear-headed.

Lastly, I am an Aljunied voter. And I am glad, very glad that my voice is heard. I respect Mr Low, and I admire his guts for he refused to bow to threats. 明知山有虎,偏向虎山行。

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