Happy 6th Mth, Ziv

Ziv is going to be 6 mth old this 19th.
So far, he has been a very nice boy, still sleeps through the night from 2nd mth till now. Some development milestones achieved so far...
1. crawl a little
2. sit on his own for a while without support
3. attempted to stand with support
4. interested in toys
5. feed himself biscuits/teething rusks
6. work to get a toy out of reach
7. pick objects up
8. recognise his parents (Sometimes, I can't even go toilet!)
I hope Ziv will :
-be healthy and no more fever after each vaccination
-be chummier to strangers who come up to amuse him
-call Mummy earlier than Daddy or Ah Ma or whatever
-learn to crawl and stand up by himself soon
Well, it does not pay to be a nice boy, cause, Mommy decided to make fun of him.

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