Shopping Fetish

Many people told me that I needed professional help… in curbing my shopping fetish. Many said that I am a compulsive shopper. I realised that I may really need help in that aspect (since everyone is suggesting the same thing), but I was thinking wouldn’t it be money wasting to go to these professional for help, where instead, I can use the money spent on them to satisfy my need for an additional bag?
I know, I am beyond help.
But this is me. Why should my hubby and friends try to change who I am? Shouldn’t they love me for who I am? I remembered watching those lovey-dovey movie whereby the actress attempted to change the actor who were both very much in love with each other. In the end, they often argue and their relationship deteriorated and the actor thought that the actress love him no more, so in the end, the show ended with a moral that says “to love someone as who they are, don’t change them to someone whom you want them to be”.
An excuse to skip the professional help?
I don’t know.
Anyway, back to the “deadly” fetish… recently I have bought a Fendi Spy Bag (Small) priced at appx $1600/-. I was elated. I’m in seventh heaven. I have actually placed a reserved on the big Spy Bag but regrettably, they have yet to bring my favourite design into Singapore. So to satisfy my long awaited wait, I decided to splurge on the small one first. My hubby scolded me, I should have waited for the big one to arrive, since I have been dreaming of the big Spy Bag almost every night after seeing its picture on the magazine. (damn that magazine!) And furthermore, I splurge at a Gucci bag priced at $800 just a few months ago…
Sigh… Ok, fine, I admit it. My mistake. I should have think twice before buying cause you know what, I don’t like the way my small Spy Bag look. It looks quite old for me.
Here it is...

Now I think of the big Spy Bag very often. Separation makes the heart fonder? So true! *Sniffles*
How can I trot the street with bad fashion taste when I am carrying a IT bag? There you go, clothes matter… these two categories of fashion are inseparable… Just like mother and child. So I do have the habit of buying lots of clothes without the intention of wearing them or perhaps wear them only once and then keep them in the wardrobe, cause who knows, when the trend comes back again and ta-dah! you can wear them, right? *Satisfy Grin*
I think I can wear the clothes in my wardrobe half a year without having to repeat them. So you can imagine, I really need a big wardrobe now (and I don’t mean I have to put a stop to this fetish ok!)…
I pity my hubby the most. He has to tolerate all my nonsense (to him) theories and life philosophies…
Ok, maybe I shall end this post by telling him this,
No matter how many IT bags I possesed, no matter how many hundred pieces of clothes I owned, it still means nothing. Cause, you are the only “bag and clothes” that I wanted.
You are like the new brown spacious Prada bag which I can pour all my sorrows and happiness to share them with you.
You are like the Burbbery’s waterproof rain coat which will shield me from the rain and thunder from the outside world and sarcastic remarks made by people to hurt me.
No matter how spendthrift I am, I know you will still support me with your limited savings. I know this is love.
And I hope I can change my spendthrift behaviour just for you.
Labels: bags, collection, shopping
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