Friday, April 11, 2008

Womanish Men

These days, I noticed some men are getting increasingly womanish. I find that intolerable and tremendously infuriating. I have one at home, handful of male customers to correspond, and lots to deal with in the office.

Men, to me should be decisive, brave, gentlemen, polite, calm and quiet. But, they are all not what I think they should be. They are totally opposite.
What happened to them?

Indecisive Men

What I cannot put up with most is, men being indecisive. Unfortunately, I have a few of them in the office. One word to describe the feeling, PISSED.

Take the example nearest to HOME, my friend asked if I wanted to play mahjong. I asked the man at home, and he took like 4 hours to answer that question. I thought it was a simple YES, NO question and he was considering what time the boy was going to sleep, enough cash at home, what time to pick up the boy, what time to work tomorrow blah blah blah. Why can’t he give NO as an answer if he really has so much concern? Simple, isn’t it? It took me merely 1 minute to type out the sms and send to my mahjong-hungry kakis to disappoint them.

Whether you are the man shaking leg on top of the corporate ladder or the man cleaning shoes at the bottom of the corporate ladder, it makes no different. Believe me.

Insensitive Men

I had a personal encounter with the man on top. I was surprised by his lack of EQ and insensitivity.

I sent out an email to customers to arrange a monthly meeting with them. The agenda was always fixed by the coordinator and for all these years, no one question how the agenda was set as that was a trivial matter for the men on top/center/bottom to scrutinize. Somehow, this man on top replied to my email cc to the mass indicating that one group of the customers requested us to schedule their presentation later because they came from other places (i.e. their office was not resided at the meeting venue). Freak! What kind of smart excuse is that? Do they mean we are all camping in the meeting venue the night before, which allowed us to be there on time? Arseholes.

Guess what? The customers, who requested that, were all MEN. Irritating men! And our smartest man on top decided to oblige to that ridiculous demand and tell me to change the agenda.


I sent out an email to the mass again indicating the new agenda. I don’t want to argue with him since I am leaving the company and in future, have nothing to do with the meeting. And after a few minutes, another middle-aged man emailed to the mass indicating his group wished to present first. Great!

The man on top has just given other people a chance to change agenda. All I can say is good luck to my successor. I feel sorry for her.

That man on top should not send out an email openly to the mass giving people the impression that he is open to changing agenda. And the middle-aged man had made use of the opportunity and his tactlessness to demand for a change too. I don’t know if that was ostentation of powers or was simply a foolish act.

I have had enough and emailed the middle-aged man this. “Sorry, the agenda has been fixed.” And yes, like a grumpy housewife who also happened to have a cheating husband, I expected an immediate email expressing his discontent. Somehow, the middle-aged man played timid and did not reply, either he went ahead to email the man on top to bitch about me (typical thing for women to do) or he decided to live with it and listen to the authoritative role (i.e. me).

Either way, to me, the case was closed.

Bitchy Men

Oh, womanish men are often pugnacious at the wrong time, wrong place. Recently, the man at home had some disputes with a pugnacious man, who is a car dealer. This car dealer must be a fool to declare ‘battle’ with a true-blue womanish woman, aka, ME. I always think that no man can be bitchier than a bitchy woman. Cat fight awaits.

The man at home was known to be a timid mouse; he prefers to lead a peaceful life to a hassle one. We are poles apart, and that I sometimes, become his body guard, spokesperson, adviser and part time secretary.

Garrulous Men

Men are garrulous just like women. The man staying next to my house, he gossiped, extremely pestiferous and boastful. Like women who boasted about their 1-carat bling (opps), he bragged about his small safe filled with US moolah and new wish list of cars. Often, the man staying next to my house complained about nitty-gritty happening such as mother-in-law from hell and wife’s naggings.

Men men men... are you woman or man?


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