Ziv's 3rd Gymboree Lesson... when is this going to end??!!
Ok, I promised myself that this is the last time bringing camera to Gymboree classes. Cause it was quite 'disturbing' to constantly remind myself to snap pictures. But I feel slightly irresponsible whenever I see Ziv enjoying and yet not capturing these precious moments.
Seriously, I still cannot get over his new hairdo, in fact, I feel humiliated bringing him out with that hair style. It’s atrocious!
Here's Ziv, before class. And yes, we were (for once) EARLY! That's because, I screamed with the shrillest cry, tapped on my foot till the tiles crack and snapped my fingers till they nearly dislocate, just to rush Kevin to move fast at home and stop being a dilly dally idiot.Ziv trying to hide his excitement before the class...

Anyway, being an avid fan of Japanese cuisine, I have planned to try out Tetsu next Sunday.
When did I deviate this posting to food? Hmmm…
My Trip to Dental Clinic
Went to the see a dentist today during lunch break. The dentist told me, “It’s a shame that you have perfect teeth but unhealthy gums.” I have always been proud of my teeth because I have no decay tooth compared to the one sleeping next to me every night. He has like a whole mouth of decay teeth! Gross!
Anyway, I was ordered to floss my teeth and use mouth wash twice per day. Seems like I am going to be very busy before I sleep.
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