Wasabi & Preserved Eggs - The Perfect Match
The launch of Moda Shoppe and Ziv's fever over the weekend debilitated me completely. And on Sunday, I decided to splurge and binge on popiah. Why should I say 'splurge'?
I deemed that spending $4 on crab popiah is lavish spending. I deemed that Unagi popiah that cost $4 is also a lavish spending.
But who cares, when one barely sleeps for 3 hours in a day?
I loved popiah and have been craving about it for the past 2-3 weeks, after I got wind of the popiah that has out of the box fillings at Chomp Chomp. So, I went there, with a mental checklist of the must-try fillings.
I was the first customer of the day. And I spent $22 on just popiah.
Can you believe it?
There are many different fillings for the popiah, including the most popular cheese popiah. Its a shame that I forgot to order the cheese one, but I tried 6 other exciting fillings.
Prawn popiah is quite a common filling, and I decided to get that for the sake of the less-adventurous Kevin.
My personal favourite has to be this. Wasabi and Preserved Eggs. I never know that a Chinese preserved eggs and the Japanese wasabi can match so well in the thinly layered popiah skin. It wasn't as spicy as I imagined, for obvious reason. Can't expect Japanese restaurants standards.
I love unagi, because I suspected that I have weak bones, so ordering unagi is almost like a sure-thing whenever I visited any Japanese restaurants. The taste of unagi in this popiah is drowned by the vegetables and the popiah sauce, so I won't really recommend this.

Pork floss is being used every where. Over-used, I would say. You seen them on top of tofu, bread and now in popiah. Nothing special, but it taste good.
When I told Kevin I spent $22 on just popiahs he thought I was kooky. But I guess, I have to recognise the creativity and effort that the stall owner puts in to his popiah. When I talked to him for about 10 minutes while he wrapped up his popiahs, I see the passion from his eyes. What is $22 when you compared it with passion and effort?
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