My Sassy Office Admin
I have 3 admins in my office and one of them was actually a noob joined just about 5days ago.
One of them is my good friend. The other two twits? No comment.
Both of them just do not cut out to be an admin. Why do I say so?
Old hag admin – OHA
Fat ignorant admin – FIA
FIA likes to say ‘jilo’ instead of zero.
Some funny moments in the office… that brightens my gloomy days.
OHA: Can you please enter your password?
FIA: Okay. How come my password doesn’t show? It shows ‘stars’.
OHA: It’s like that one, don’t care.
For goddess sake, SECURITY!
[I figured out the helpdesk reply myself, obviously]
FIA: Hello, I need help.
Helpdesk: Yes, what is your net id?
What the hell, if I am the helpdesk, I’ll ask her what is her problem. Well, with the risk of repeating her problem after her when she replies.
OHA: Hello Jamie….. (her daughter)
Daughter: Mummy
OHA: How is your day? Have you eaten? You better eat early, cause you will be late for your test if you don’t eat early.
Daughter: [Poor gal probably has no chance to talk because her mother is a yakking machine]
OHA: Are you prepared for the test?
Daughter: Yes, but I am scared.
OHA: Why are you scared? Go and pray to God and tell God to help you, Mummy loves you okaaaayyyyyy. Mummy is so sorry that I cant be with you because Mummy got to work and Mummy is so busy in the office okaaaayyyyy. Be a good gal okaaayyyyy.
Damn it. Whasupp with ‘okaaaayyyy’, damn twit. I hate her ‘okkaaayyyy’. No biased against any religion, but its sad to have to reply on God for school common test.
OHA: [Ask around] What is the number for Pizza Hut?
Me: (Obviously she is asking me cause at 8pm, I am the only one around in the office and she is ordering for the engineers and myself, since she is not calling my name, I just remained silent.)
OHA: Anyone know?
Me: (I think she is really idiotic)
OHA: Celeste, do you know?
Me: (Finally, I have a name) I shook my head, I don’t know. [Said to myself, BLOODY FOOL 2353535]
OHA: Okayyyy I think I will call my son.
[Calling son, son refused to tell her, half an hour later, got it from Internet]
Operator: Yes.
OHA: I want to order pizza. What is the current promotion?
Operator: Currently, our set….
OHA: We are ordering from XXX (Company Name), can you quote us cheaper? Or else I don’t want to order from you next time.
Me: [thinking she is really a nut case]
OHA: Can give more discount? We are from XXX.
Operator: Sorry, all are controlled pricing.
OHA: Ok what time you all will reach office?
Operator: 45mins to 1 hour.
OHA: What?! So long? I want to go home already, if you come late, I will just go.
Me: [damn idiot]
Operator: Sure we will be there 45mins to 1 hour.
OHA: Okaaayyy faster come hor.
Since the day they joined, I started to fathom, there are really damn stupid people in this world. I thought those forwarded emails from friends that illustrated those conversation with helpdesk are dumb enough and properly made-up to jazz office workers up, but I was so wrong. Am really cheesed off!
Labels: job