Some women just give up on themselves
Kevin gave me a stare as if I have made the meanest remarks (of the day) to this poor and humble mother who seems to have lots of housework waiting for her at home.
Just in case you think I am mean, here’s a brief description of her and her PJ… (Warning: read at your own risk, that is, if you are eating and reading at the same time)
Let’s start with her PJ; Yikes… Original color, I believed it’s BLUE.
Now, yellowish, looks like she had stained the front part of her PJ YESTERDAY during her LUNCH. Holes, there are holes on her PJ.
I know, no one will iron PJ but her PJ is way too wrinkled. As if she has stuffed the poor PJ in one corner and one day realized, ‘oh-i-have-this-PJ-whoo, I gonna wear it everyday… yeah’
Her overall appearance, not to make a mountain out of a molehill (me never exaggerate one duh…), but she really reminds me of some pregnant women who have just came out of the labor room, sweaty, oily and lethargic. At one moment, I thought I can hear her panting, from the car. (No lah, this one I exaggerate one… kekeke…)
So there, I am not that mean to make that comment right?!
I retaliated and asked Kevin, “Can you tolerate, if you see me like this everyday?” There’s a moment of silence and I figured he is trying to come up with a ‘model answer’ (again). Guess what he said, “Maybe her husband doesn’t mind? Maybe to him, looks doesn’t matters?” I beg to differ; I think he is BS-ing. I can imagine this, if I were (still) a responsible husband I will probably turn off by her look and ogle other women but remain faithful, if I were a heartless husband, I will probably find a mistress. *Slapping my mouth now hoping that retribution will not befall on me (which i think will not)*
Fine… fine… shouldn’t encourage husband ‘extra curriculum activities’ here, I shouldn’t slam a humble housewife like that, but women, especially married with kids, should not give themselves up, as if their lives only revolve around housework, husbands and kids. Yes, I understand, some housewives are really busy and not a make-up person, but they should at least look presentable rather than wasted like this. Look at this woman, she is only in her early 30s and still have a long way to go, don’t tell me she really wants to dress like that everyday or every morning/afternoon?
So women/mothers out there, please, you don’t need to have big eyes, sharp nose or even slim figure to look presentable. Just look natural and tidy will be good enough and btw, don’t tell me ‘you-are-what-you-are’ BS.
In fact, I keep warning myself, never to look like that if I become a housewife (with kids), or Ah Ma one day. Never... never... no no no...