Hello, its me, Ziv the feature writer for this blog. Mummy claimed that she is busy and so I will blog on behalf of her. Pardon me for my spelling mistake, cause I am only 15 mths 2 wks.
Today, Mummy and Daddy brought me to the Botanical Park - Children's Park Jacob Ballas. If I am not wrong, the park was named after a type of orchid. Apart from Mummy, Daddy, the usual 'suspects' are here too, aka, Aunty Emily, Uncle Dylan and didi Jayden.
Anyway, Mummy woke up at 830am this morning to prepare sandwiches. I asked her, why she did not ask aunty to do it, she told me, she preferred to do it herself, aunty is quite 'dirty'.
She made ham and cheese sandwiches, low fat tuna mayo sandwiches and boiled egg for me.
We were all confused about the carparks and ended up reaching fashionably late... and Mummy framed me by letting me wear long pants in this unbearably hot weather. She explained that she feared that there will be mosquitoes.
Sorry, no pictures taken during our picnic, cause all the hungry adults started eating as soon as the mat was laid. I don't understand adults, they seemed so hungry. They didn't even bother to check if it was pigeon "xu xu" (urine) that wet the mat, they just continue eating. Eating seems everything to them. :- For me, what matters most will be... BUBBLES. And stupid Mummy, spilt the whole bottle of bubbles and soaked her bag. So see, no BUBBLES, no FUN. What I could do is to look at other people playing bubbles from afar...
Anyway, it is already a fact that BUBBLE will never exist in today's outing, so I decided to walk along the lake and ponder why Mummy is so careless.

After a good half an hour of eating (non-stop) for the adults, finally we set off to the park. That was the time when both Jayden and I were waiting for. Can you believe it? The adults even wanted to eat the eclairs & durian rolls! Luckily they didn't and decided to save it for much later.
Yeah! The journey begins...

The park was relatively small. Nothing really interest me, except the mist station. Wooo... what a nice way to escape from the scorching sun...

Oh, being a affectionate boy, I love all sorts of soft toys and today I met 3 new friends. I gave each of them a hug and a kiss.

The day ended having us all warm and sweat drenched through our skin. I don't know what time we left, but Mummy was asking Daddy to drive her to the nearest MAC for some coke. I went home, played for 1 hour and fell into a slumber. I woke up 3 hours later.
After porridge, Mummy and Daddy brought me to Terminal 3. Sian... the same place again. I have been there 3 times! They are so boring. We had dinner at the Swensen and then hang around the airport. Running and playing hide and seek.

After that, we went to Ah Ma and Ah Gong's house. Sat there for 1 hour and went home.
Here's a picture of my best friend, Coby. He likes to burst my bubbles.

Mummy attempted to take a picture of me and Coby (seated close together). She failed... badly. I hope she did not see my mouth, cause I just stole a sip from her glass of watermelon juice.

I have a fun-filled event today. How I wish every day is a holiday so Mummy and Daddy can bring me out frequently so that I can also eat french fries everyday.
Yawn... I am so tired now. Zzzzz...
Good night.
Labels: coby, friends, life, outing, parenting