Emily put down her resolution for the year 2010 and it elicited me to polish up my draft entry which I have been putting it underneath my pillow since end of December. With January almost past the mid-mark, here comes my annual post.
As usual, let me begin composing the resolution for 2010 by reviewing my
2009 resolution:
1. Have a Baby No. 2
Review: Not that I tried, I just can't make up my mind if I want to go back to the old days, not sleeping... going to KK for vaccine jabs etc... The problem doesn't lie with being pregnant, it is more about the aftermath. Maybe I am too old for that.
2. Get 2 Chanel bags.
Review: Outrageous! I overdone by rounding up the year with the coveted Birkin on top of the 2 Chanels.
3. Earn more money.
Review: I did! Changed job to financial industry.
4. Discipline Ziv, cultivate independence in him.
Review: I did it with the help of my MIL. Ziv started to stay with my MIL during weekdays since mid of last year. It is great, no regrets. He has a more disciplined life like the army life.
5. Weight shall not exceed 43kg if not pregnant.
Review: Pass and fail. Sometimes it exceeded wee bit.
6. Spend more time with Kevin and Coby.
Review: I tried, but failed badly on spending more time on and with Coby. Kevin and I had more couple time in the year 2009, mainly because Ziv stayed over at my MIL's camp for the past half year.
I considered myself a nebbish person. I am always ruled by emotions and hence, ending up overdoing many things especially preposterousness indulgence. Since last year, I have demolished "Shop less" resolution forever and ever knowing that I should be practical and rational because that will forever never ever happen. 2009 was a great year, new job, new abode, new bags, new colleagues...
Now, may I present the resolution... *drum-roll*
Yr 2010 Resolution1. Have Baby No. 2This is still on top of the list, maybe it should happen in an 'accidental' manner, so that leave me with no choice. I know Ziv needs a sibling, needs a companion, but going back to the baby days is too tiring for us. And who is going to take care of baby no. 2?
2. Exercise moreI have signed up with TrueFitness and True Yoga for 3 years. Hopefully, I can utilise the package throughout the 3 years. Currently, I am working out about 3-5 days a week, and I am hoping that I can maintain the avidity. And I am pretty sure that I will because I found a new exercise kaki cum colleague, Cindy.
3. Get a luxurious watchWhat's next after bags?
4. Ziv is still the most importantSpend time educating Ziv, I want to train him to be more outspoken, confident and less timid.
5. Love my job, more money!I am not blessed with a job that I truly love (think footballer, artists etc) or where my passion lies, but I am endowed with a job that pays me fairly well. I should be appreciative and love my job. Furthermore, I have uprooted myself from IT industry and to a more profitable financial industry so I should be more grateful.
However, if there is another increase of 30% from my current package, I have to eliminate this entry.
6. Get my own abodeI have enough of renting, aka, paying house installment for my landlord. I MUST get my own place!!
7. Love life, enjoy lifeIf you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything. Go for holiday, spend money, do what I like to do. Be happy.
Labels: life, life perspective, resolution